Details of the EDS-NYC tasks:
Booking a Meeting:
Emailing/calling a speaker, generally a doctor who has already agreed to address the group. Historically, a group member offers a friendly doctor the opportunity to address the group. The doctor has already accepted when you step in to help book the meeting. You would call or email the doctor’s office to ask what days work to speak about a month out. Then coordinate for room availability, get a written bio, and confirm all the details. Finally hand it off. Done.
Schedule coordination for the location is done with Melanie, who gets us our 92nd St. Y rooms.
Skills needed: email
Time: about an hour for one meeting, (maybe more the first time) over a couple days to a week,
Announcing a Meeting:
Writing an email announcement to the group.
Posting details on the web site.
Posting the meeting on the Inspire board.
Coordinating email with Ehlers Danlos nationals.
We have templates from all the previous emails, so it boils down to update and proofread. We use Get Response, which is a really simple web-based email system.
Skills needed: email and, only for updating the website, comfort with a WordPress blog
Time: 30 minutes per posting, one person per post, could be multiple people for multiple posts.
Updating the EDS-Friendly Doctor List:
Contact the doctors on the existing list, to confirm the few that remain. Email a survey link to the group. Collect survey results from the web site. Review and format the results. Send the new list out and post it to the web site.
Skills needed: Comfort with WordPress blog, little Excel or other spreadsheet, email, phone
Time: few hours spread out over a couple weeks to a month
Posting to the EDS-NYC website:
Post new meetings. Post links. Post videos of past meetings. Post anything useful.
Skills needed: comfort with WordPress blog
Time: 20 minutes or so per post. Endless opportunities to find information to post. This is meant to be interesting, engaging and enriching.
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