The Alexander Technique (AT) is an educational method that helps a student develop awareness of their body and habitual patterns, enabling them to make safer, more efficient physical choices. With the help of a teacher, the student begins to learn how his or her body functions, and takes on an active role in deciding how to use it. Throughout each lesson, the teacher offers verbal instruction and hands-on guidance. Making small adjustments to how the student is thinking of and using his or her body can make a big difference in pain, fatigue, and injury. Over time, coordination improves and students learns how to “direct” their bodies during movement and at rest.
For those with EDS, a major benefit of AT is the reduction of pressure on the joints and thus the redistribution of muscular tone. By mastering a pliable musculature instead of gripping—which is a very common response to instability—students improve alignment naturally and gradually and avoid forcing “good posture”. As muscle tone spreads evenly and appropriately through the body, knots are released and passive areas are activated. As their awareness increases, students learn how to find the “middle ground” in every movement, so as not to extend their ligaments even further and damage them more. Alexander Technique teachers who are familiar with EDS can help hypermobile students within their instability, creating greater fluidity and ease. While far from a cure, AT lessons with a qualified, informed teacher can dramatically improve the quality of life for EDS individuals.
The video is 36 minutes long
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For more information call Ann Rodiger 646-526-6515
Links to two 2-page papers on the Alexander Technique and EDS by Ann Rodiger and Laura Tuthall
Link to download video:
Here are pictures from the meeting: